I have been in Sales over 25 years. Driven and Flown many Miles while Staying in hundreds of Hotels. I have an Expert perspective about Life on the Road being the "Traveling Salesman". Now, wanting to be Successful at Home.....Enjoy the read...!

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November 4, 2012

Sisters- What Good Are They..? In dedication to Susan...!!

Sisters- What Good Are They..? In dedication to Mine...!!

My sister name is Susan Flanagan(Avis). She is 54 years old. And, as I write this she is stage 4 with Lung cancer in a Hospice unit with only hours to live.

So, this is the hardest and easiest blog post I will ever have to write. So let me explain what makes her a good sister from the start. And, what I credit her with for my developement.

Patience: Sisters follow around their older brothers asking the classic questions... What are you doing...? Where are going...? Can I come..? Does Mom know...? Susan was amazingly aware for her age. She learned early how to manipulate the chain of command and came across to my parents as the perfect victim...!! Amazing...what a brat...!

Negotiation Skills: If you have a Sister.... there is no court in the land who will convict them of Blackmail. And, as my sister became very skilled at threatening to tell Mom or Else. It worked every time...!! I paid her hundreds of dollars as a kid to get her to SHUT UP and leave me alone.
How can one little girl always be there when you break something or screw up..? Today, I have made a successful living using these skills honed by a pain in ass Sister.

Forgiveness: My sister was an early pro at passing the blame on her brothers. And, when my parents were getting ready to believe us and not her....the floodgates opened. Can you picture the sweet baby of the family crying her way to inocense? You have to love the great timing and acting skills.

Protectiveness: I was there to beat up the kids who treated her bad. It taught me how to protect my family as well as my country later in life. I also tried to be a good example for her even when it wasn't wanted. After all...no sister really wants her brother to do better than her.

Fun Experiences: Sisters are great when they have Cute Babies like Susan had. I have 3 nephews who I got to be part of their lives. I have a wonderful time being a Fun Uncle and keeping the boys as a relief. My sister has taught me to always make family your of a priority and everything else takes care of itself. I will always picture her on a boat treating everyone to a great day on the water.

Cooking: I think I learned to be a very good cook because of visits to Susie's house. When she was raising her family she couldn't cook at all. I would constantly give her a hard time as brothers do. The credo of the day was to buy take out and fast food as a better idea...lol.

Warmth: My Sister taught me to get over the little things and care for each other. No matter how long it had been since we had been last seen each other....my sister would always have a Big Hug and Kiss for her Brothers. I can remember being very mad at her until I'd see that look in her eyes.....gotta be a sister thing....and then you melt.

Reflections: There have been years when we were very close. Then, I went into Marines and later lived on the west coast. I now see how we could have been better friends. And, I needed to be more accepting of her choices in life. But, all that will never change the fact that I am the Big Brother of my Baby Sister....it's a lifetime responsibilty and a Heart felt honor.

I know she knows that all the names she called me growing up were all in fun and I do Love Her for the rest of my life. I hope she will be happy in heaven....Keep Laughing Suz....

What Good Are Sisters....They Give Us Guys Practice on How to Love a woman later in life.....I am very Grateful for my Flaming Red Haired Sister.... Love You....Thank You and Good Bye...!!


Kevin Flanagan "The Road Warrior"

PS: Dig In and Push for Your Dreams...NOW...always Lead with your Heart...

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