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June 30, 2012

Report:Are kids are in trouble- Child Poverty in US Reaches 2nd in World- of 35 countries!!

Published at Empower Network

by | on July 1, 2012

Child Poverty in US Reaches 2nd in World…..among 35 wealthiest countries.

Yes, Are kids are in trouble based on a Unicef report published this week. Only Romania is worst than the 23% of the children living below thee poverty line in the US. And, what is the formula for being in a household in poverty.

Child Poverty in US Reaches 2nd in World This is calculated by the amount of disposable income that can be invested in the children. The very scary statistic is that 15% of the 200 million kids amoung these 35 countries have NO extra money to pay for anything except bills.

I had to ask myself is it just as much cultural as it is economic? And, the answer is a resounding YES. When you concider the top 5 countries with little to no children poverty. The governments are much more involved to insure the classes are much more balanced than in the US. Germany and France are at the top and pay into a much larger tax base’s. The report goes into detail on how our decline has been obvious for the last decade.

Germany- 7%, France- 10%, While Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and United Kingdom all posted rates 10-15%. Italy and Spain rates were up to between 15-20%. All of these nations use some form of Socialized medicine and higher government regulated unemployment payments.

Child Poverty in US Reaches 2nd in World Can this be attributed to the US decline in education quality as well…..? If you said YES you’re Right…!! According to UNICEF , the Nations with little Child Poverty are better educated and much better supported growing up.

Has the Recession caused the acceleration in these saggering numbers.? UNICEF says- YES
The bank foreclosure boom has put 8.3 million kids into poverty. The housing burst has created more kids living in temporary housing and shelters than ever recorded.

16.4 Million children in 2011….added to the poverty line….!!

How can the Wealthy US have Child Poverty in US Reaches 2nd in World….? Is our government to blame…? Cae we as individual citizens not doing enough. After all, we are the elite Socioeconomic level in the world. Right..? We set the standard in so many areas and are failing in many as well.

The report also brought to light that in the US 49.9 million Adults are Without Insurance. The people covered by the employers insurance Declined in 2010 by 55%. Employer insured poeple have declined a total of 65% since 2000. While government insured have increased by 31%. This growth has been creditied to the military and war related companies under contract.

Child Poverty in US Reaches 2nd in World.. Are things being done to help the Kids….?? Our Social Safety Net has made a HUGE difference in relief for these families.

What is the Social Safety Net…? These are the Federal, State and County relief agencies. The biggest supplier is the Food Stamp offices. They are responcible for taking families out of extreme poverty. Also, Public and private Food Banks, Church Donation Organization and our school meal plans have been a terrific cattalist to keep children in school.

Kids who are too hungry to focus in class will drop out and find streeet crime in order to eat. These number are very disturbing for all of us. And, if you have a child it must make you really think….? I hope it will give you cause to Jump in and help out in some way….Anything we do can only be helpful……..!!
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